Geoff Welsh wrote:

select Compose message

type   "me"  in address location (without quotes), knowing full-well I
am the ONLY "me" in my address book.

Not only does my address not come up as the first in the auto-complete
list of choices, but the first choice doesn't even start with the
letters "me".


Anyone else?

On my system, if I begin typing "me," I get a list of candidates all containing the string "me" in their name or email address. As luck would have it, none /begin/ with that string, but they all /contain/ it.

Thus, if I had you in my address book and began by typing "Welsh," your entry would be among those offered. I think that's good, because if I have a couple of dozen "Johns," it's easier to select by last name.

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Paul B. Gallagher

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