Paul B. Gallagher wrote, On 14/02/2014 15:45:
Rick Merrill wrote:

On 2/12/2014 1:07 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Rick Merrill wrote:

"Version Numbers" always annoy me when 2.24 is greater than 2.80 !-)

Where have you ever come across "SM 2.80"? Have you been using Dr.
Emmett Brown's specially configured DeLorean?

since when is 2.24 greater that 2.8?  (evening up the digits is an
engineering thing)

Well, now, I didn't ask about "2.8," now did I? I asked about "2.80." And SM 2.80 is years in the future, and might not ever happen if we go to version 3.

In the SeaMonkey world, where the dot is not a decimal point, "24" has always been greater than "8."

But "8." is greater than "24" :-)
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