Rick Merrill wrote:
> On 2/14/2014 2:50 PM, Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>> When I log in to Facebook, I find that both Seamonkey and Firefox are
>> using at least 95% of the CPU. Naturally this slows everything down to a
>> crawl. Same problem in 2.23 and 2.24 but don't know when this started. I
>> tried using IE8, Google Chrome and Safari and they all run under 5 so it
>> is not a problem with those browsers. I have tried this on three
>> different computers all running Win XP SP3.
>> Also tried Seamonkey and Firefox on a Win 7 computer and they only use
>> about 40% of the CPU but even that is a lot compared to Google Chrome or
>> IE8. Anyone else experiencing this?
> This is Facebook's fault because they have so overloaded the page with
> photos, videos, and .gif files!
> With SeaMonkey you have some choices: only show gif files once (or not
> at all), etc.
It works fine with Google Chrome or IE8. Could you log into Facebook
with FireFox/Seamonkey and compare it with logging in with IE8/Chrome
and tell me what you get? I'm trying to isolate the problem on my
computer. Thanks for your help.
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