Dear folks at SeaMonky,

I use Windows 7, 64 bit.

I currently use SeaMonkey (Version 2.24) with Google as my browser web page.

I like SeaMonkey especially for its email program because it is so close to the old Netscape program I had used for many years.

Additionally, I sometimes use Internet Explorer (Version 11) with Google as the browser web page.

When I boot up using SeaMonkey, and open to the Google page, a pop up (or label) always appears in a box that says “Install Google Chrome”.

However, when I boot up using Internet Explorer, the pop up does not load.

A search of the net, shows many people want to stop this pop up from appearing on their web page when they boot up (with no success).It appears most of these people are using older version of Internet Explorer.

So, my question to you is:If the latest version of Internet Explorer can stop this irritating pop up from appearing on their web page, can you provide an updated SeaMonkey that also eliminates this pop up?

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