NFN Smith wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Sure, I could do that. But what annoyed me the most was that I kept
selecting "Use Default Cookie Permissions" and SM kept ignoring that
choice. It accepts the other menu options, but ignores that one. The
only way to revert to default is to go into the Cookie Manager itself,
find the domain, and go through the whole rigmarole of telling it to
forget about that domain (which BTW is much more counterintuitive than
it needs to be).

Either the option should be made to work, or it should be taken off the
menu. I really hate telling a program to do something and having it
smile sweetly and ignore me.

This one may actually be a timing thing, and not something that
Seamonkey can control.

I use "Ask" as my default, and occasionally I bump into a site that
tries to set a bunch of cookies, more or less simultaneously.  Thus, by
the time I see the first dialog that asks me what I want to do, all the
cookie requests have already been made, and I have to dismiss each dialog.

I've found that if I respond with "reject", that one *is* saved, and I
can either use the same response for all the other requests, or simply
cancel the remaining dialogs.

From there, subsequent visits to the page (including a simple reload)
reflect the last reject response I submitted.

It's not that Seamonkey is ignoring you, just that you're getting a
bunch of requests delivered, based on your default setting.

Nice story, but that's not what's happening.

My default is first-party session cookies only (not "ask"), but when I first visited the Ebay site the other day, the setting for that domain was "block all" (evidently I'd been there before). In order to make it work (to complete my purchase), I had to accept their cookies, right? So I switched to "use default cookie permissions" and reloaded, which failed, because SM ignored the change and was still blocking all. Over and over I tried to switch to the default settings, and over and over SeaMonkey ignored my command. I eventually got it to work by switching to "Allow Session Cookies" -- SM doesn't ignore that.

But I've seen this before, and forgotten it because it's so *^(*& stupid -- SM will honor any of the other menu commands but always silently ignores Tools | Cookie Manager | Use Default Cookie Permissions. There's no chirp or error message or raspberry or middle finger, just silence. I don't get a popup or a dialog with OK/Cancel or anything. Just sullen, useless silence.

So yes, SeaMonkey IS ignoring me.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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