On 2/26/2014 12:03 AM, Dmitry Pivunov wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:      Re: I need help
> Date:         Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:59:10 +0400
> From:         Dmitry Pivunov <dt...@mail.ru>
> To:   Ed Mullen <ejobviouslyrem...@edmullen.net>
> Ed, thank you for your replay.
> I have old profile of SM 2.0.2.
> Now I restored my mail and address book but bookmarks are still a
> problem - I found the file "Bookmarks.html" in new profile, replaced it
> by my old file but there is no result.
> There is also the folder "bookmarkbackups" I replaced it too - no result.
> How can I insert my bookmarks in the file "places.sqlite "?
> Thank you in advance,
> Dmitry.

1.  On the SeaMonkey menu bar, select [Bookmarks > Manage Bookmarks].

2.  On the Bookmarks Manager menu bar, select [Tools > Import HTML].

3.  On the Import Wizard dialogue popup, select the Files radio button
and then the Next> button.

4.  On the Import Bookmarks File window, navigate to your bookmarks.html
(or bookmarks.htm) file, select it, and then select the Open button.

5.  Exit the windows by selecting their OK buttons or their X buttons in
the upper-right corner.  Be sure to exit in the reverse order they were


David E. Ross

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