Trane Francks wrote:
On 3/2/14 12:17 PM +0900, Larry S. wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
proper backup program you can retrieve and restore anything from a whole
drive, a folder (e.g. a Mozilla profile) to a single file
That detail of recovery seems to be beyond that offered by the programs
I've looked at (but still looking). Whole drive, yes. Sometimes an
individual folder. Recovery of a single file doesn't seem to be a common
feature, if included in an entire system backup.

Care to share what program you use? (If you'd rather not advertise, but
would consult by e-mail, I'll give you a good address to use.)

Thank you for your consideration.

Larry S.

Larry, assuming your user agent correctly describes you're using Windows
7, there's no problem whatsoever restoring single files using the
built-in Windows Backup and Restore. Restoring an entire SeaMonkey
profile from a Windows 7 backup should only take a few minutes over a
wired network.

Fighting with MozBackup + SeaMonkey only seems to make sense, to me,
with regard to moving a profile from one computer to another.

My main system and laptop are both running Win 7 and the drives are partioned exactly the same, exact same folder structure. I periodically copy my SM profile over the network to the laptop to keep it up to date since most of my work is on my main system. I do this with a batch file that checks to see if SM is running on the laptop and kills the process before copying the profile.

I do the same with another laptop running XP. Since the paths are different on XP and W7 I load prefs.js into my text editor (EditPad Pro) and run a macro that replaces the W7 path strings with XP paths.

Ed Mullen
Think honk if you're telepathic.
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