Arnie Goetchius wrote:
stan pierce wrote:
stan pierce wrote:
I've been having trouble for a few weeks. When I invoke things like
FaceBook and LiveJournal, there is an indication that much information
is being downloaded before the application actually is ready for use.
Usually the Task Manager Application shows "Not Responding". Sometimes
if I wait a minute or two, the application finally gets started.

I tried these with IE and they work fine.

Oh yes, disabling add-ons does not solve the problem.

I have been struggling with this issue for nearly a month.

1. It is only a problem on my XP SP3 machines which also have less
memory and slower cpu. I have no problem on newer, faster machines
running Win 7.

2. On Facebook, the problem does not exist if I am on my Timeline. I
only see it on the Newsfeed when the bottom of the screen shows
continually loading data from somewhere like (sp?). This
goes on forever on the XP machines but stops almost immediately on Win
7. On the XP machine, Task Manager shows SM using 90-95 % of the CPU so
everything grinds to a very slow pace.

3. I have limited success using IE Tab which lets your browser emulate
the IE browser. This is an improvement but still not anywhere near as
good as using IE or Google Chrome directly.

4. I have tried using a brand new "Test" profile using the SM defaults,
disabled all add-ons, starting in "Safe" mode. Nothing helps on my XP
computers. As I said earlier, there is no problem on my Win 7 machines.

inevitably, someone will tell you to leave XP behind... while you do need to move on to something fresh and more secure, this slow lagging Seamonkey issue is not just an "outdated software" issue...

i have a very up to date laptop running a version of linux that receives updates weekly... the browser in Seamonkey slows to a crawl with facebook, twttr and a few graphics intensive blog pages...

been using chromium more and more, SM is just too frustrating...


... A bird in the bush usually has a friend in there with him.

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