Interviewed by CNN on 10/05/2014 11:49, Robert told the world:
> I've recently "upgraded" to FireFox v29, and I do not like the new
> "dumbed-down" user interface.
> I've looked at the screenshots of SeaMonkey and they look like FireFox used
> to look.
> Before I go through the motions of downloading, installing, and configuring
> SeaMonkey are my primary browser I have one question:
> Will FireFox 29's new look will find its way into SeaMonkey, or will
> SeaMonkey continue to allow its users to customize the UI?

1. The dev team has stated that they have no intention to overhaul the
Seamonkey UI and move to an Australis-like UI. Simply stated, even if
they wanted to do it (they apparently don't), it's too much work and
they don't have the manpower, so they focus on other things. The only
scenario I imagine where that could change is if changes in the engine
engine remove functionality needed for Seamonkey's "classical" UI. I
don't see it happening anytime soon in Gecko, but there's a theoretical
risk of it happening a few years down the road, if the Servo project
ever replaces Gecko as the main Mozilla browser engine.

2. Yes, as long as the UI remains the same, the customizability should
stay the same. But there's a price to pay there. As Seamonkey and
Firefox grow apart, I expect that extensions might need more tweaks to
work correctly in both. Some extension authors may stop supporting
Seamonkey after a while.

As for Australis... I use both Seamonkey and Firefox, and also a bit of
Iron, in my day-to-day browsing. So far, I haven't noticed any lost
functionality in Firefox 29 -- anything I can do in SM, I can do just as
easily in FF (well, except mail/news stuff. I don't use Composer at
all). Yes, stuff got moved around, but I found that I don't really miss
the UI elements that got removed -- I have been using right-click menus
as a first choice for almost twenty years, so I don't miss the "File"
menu for instance. I can't say that I'm particularly enthusiastic of the
new design, but neither do I hate it. It took me all of two minutes to
learn the new UI's logic, which is way less than it takes me to learn
the UI for the average casual game. I simply don't have the knee-jerk
rejection to change that I seem to see a lot going around.


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