On Wednesday, 7 May 2014 16:38:06 UTC+1, PhillipJones  wrote:

> >> SeaMonkey developers, you are doing an amazing job. I think the
> >> interface is excellent, logical and *just works*, especially for desktop.
> >> Please don't feel any need to ruin it in the same way that Firefox has
> >> been ruined with the dumbed-down Chrome wannabe interface!
> >>
> >> If you feel the same, please show your support for SeaMonkey devs. :)
> >>
> >
> > Really have to interject that i do NOT want Seamonkey to "remain the
> > same" if that means the browser becomes more and more unusable over
> > time... as things stand now, i only use Seamonkey's e'mail client with
> > regularity. The browser is just too slow for modern needs... throws up
> > too many irrelevant warnings and annoys me when it won't open sites or
> > play sound, or other silly nonsense...
> >
> > i DO want it to remain the same as a combined e'mail & browser, but only
> > if the browser component quits moving like its full of frozen molasses...
> >
> >
> >
>   What we want is increase in speed and efficiency and ability to 
> read/Play more audio/video types.
> What we referring to when we say no change is no change in the User 
> interface to emulate Chrome like FireFox has done. Excuse me  I shout 
> just a Few words. They are not insulting to any one.
> That what the new UI in the Australis Style FF is Treating us like we 
> have the IQ of 4 year Old's. I get along just fine with Menu Bar and 
> menus with sub menu.
> And FF people say get the UI (theme restorer) Problem is it doesn't It 
> about 60 percent does. And Why if there was such a clamoring for the 
> Restorer extension, didn't the folks at Mozilla Learn maybe this Chrome 
> experience was bad idea.
> Now except for SeaMonkey and IE all Browser look a like. You open one 
> it's a carbon copy of 9-10 others.
> Folks! We want to be different, look different, think different.
> Change the guts to improve how SM works. Yes But leave the UI alone.
> Lets compare to MS Windows, Since MS has Changed to Version 8 with all 
> the cutesy 4 year Old type Buttons. Many have Reverted back to 7 and 
> with Few exception it been panned most Users and  Computer Reporting 
> Agencies. I have several Relatives that have switched  to Window 8 and 
> hate it worth a passion.
> -- 
> Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.      "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
> http://www.phillipmjones.net    mailto:pjones...@comcast.net

I forgot to pay tribute to the sensible version numbering of SeaMonkey as 
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