David Cox wrote:
On 13/05/2014 9:24 PM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:
After playing around with several different browsers there are a couple
of minor "tweaks" I'd like to see to the Seamonkey interface.

I'd like to be able to close a tab from the tab itself. Firefox, Chrome
and even Internet explorer put a little "x" on the left side of the tab
(even an inactive one) that allows you to close the tab.  With
Seamonkey, you have to bring the tab you want to close to the fore and
then mouse all the way over to the right and click the "X" over there.
As screens get higher and higher definitions, this gets more and more
You can right click on the tab. This allows you you to close the tab
even if inactive.

Or middle-click with a mouse.

Ed Mullen
Erotic is using a feather. Kinky is using the whole chicken.
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