PhillipJones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 5/13/2014 12:06 PM, Rufus wrote:

...I'd like to see all of the bugs that are preventing me from using
Profile Manager fixed, and for SM to actually use my pref setting for
Master Password.

Do you mean bug #425145: "Hidden pref to save ID and password when
autocomplete="off" (signon.overrideAutocomplete)"?  If so, the fix for
that should already be in SeaMonkey 2.26 with a follow-up fix to bug
#956906 -- "ignore autocomplete="off" when offering to save passwords
via the password manager" -- possibly in the next SeaMonkey version

No, not that one...but go ahead and fix that one too.

The one I'm referring to is one I wrote: bug #724296, "SM 2.x Mac
prompts for Master Password when seemingly not required".  SM is still
asking for my Master Password at seemingly "random" intervals during a
session even though my Pref is set to only ask for it the first time it
is required...I often use SM without even visiting a site where I need
to use a password, yet if that session is long enough SM will ask for my
Master, I will click Cancel, and then SM will start asking over and over
again until I either close the session or enter the Master.  And even
worse, if this happens in the middle of a download in progress SM
freezes and I lose the session - download and all.  This got broken
around SM 1.1.something and has been broken ever since.

And bug #724263, and is now titled "SeaMonkey on Mac OS X does not open
HTML files or hyperlinks correctly when using the profile
manager"...which I haven't been using since the Developers suggest not
using the Profile Manager as a "fix"...but that isn't a fix, and SM
*still* does not follow OS X on disk path specs from top level when used
as the default browser.

I think there was also a second suggestion as to why I should stop using
the PM at start up, but I can't recall why that was - but it seems that
there are some basic OS X interface issues floating around out there
that need to be addressed.

And I've also noted that there appear to be two differing code paths
within SM for invocation of the Profile Manager - invoking Switch
Profile from within the Browser displays a different graphic (the older
1.x.x one) than if one invokes Profile Manager at start up.

Its Odd that I have never seen this Bug. But then from the first time it
was offered in I believe in Communicator, or or at least Mozilla I set
up a Master Password and set it to be typed in when first open
SeaMonkey. I like that much better than in FireFox where You can Open
without  typing password in But every time you need a Password you have
to type in the master password.

Same-same - that was one of the things I liked about SM...I could set it to only ask the first time it was needed and then not have to do it again during the session, the same way I used to do with Netscape. And it always worked with Netscape. And it used to work with SM....not anymore.

     - Rufus
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