On 5/19/2014 4:44 AM, WaltS48 wrote:
Some of you might be interested.

[Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey • mozillaZine

If you use this tool then it would be beneficial for all of us if you can post 
your results in this thread so we can expand the list of which extensions can 
be ported and which not. Also, if you know more about extension development 
then any ideas on how to improve the tool are welcome.

This thread meaning the mozillaZine thread, not this thread.

Thanks! I haven't been reading Mozillazine forum as regularly as I did for many years so I would not have known about this tool if you had not started this thread.

To my delight, I found some of my favorite Fx extensions work fine on SM even though the developers say they work only on Fx. The beauty of the tool is that it is fast and easy. It is more of a hassle if you edit a Fx extension manually in the hopes it will then work on SM. The extension I most want to work on SeaMonkey did not and actually caused the navigation bar and buttons to disappear although SM thought the navigation bar was there. It's a complex extension that changes the GUI so I am not surprised it didn't port but disappointed since if it would port I would make SM my default browser.
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