On 5/20/2014 8:43 AM, Cecil Bankston wrote:
Has anyone used the converter successfully with WOT?

WaltS48 wrote:
Some of you might be interested.

[Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey • mozillaZine

If you use this tool then it would be beneficial for all of us if you
can post your results in this thread so we can expand the list of
which extensions can be ported and which not. Also, if you know more
about extension development then any ideas on how to improve the tool
are welcome.

This thread meaning the mozillaZine thread, not this thread.

WOT is mentioned in the Mozillazine thread as working on SeaMonkey using the converter.

I have all but two of my Fx extensions now ported to SeaMonkey. Several that did not work yesterday when I tried the converter work today thanks to the developer's ongoing efforts.
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