Rufus wrote:
Roger Fink wrote:

-------- Original Message --------

Rufus wrote:
Roger Fink wrote:
Do the message filters in SeaMonkey work in newsgroups? (they should
because the program lets you set them up).

There is an annoying amount of spam in the Mozilla support groups I
check from time to time (SM, FF & TB), and the filters I set up
seem to
do absolutely nothing.

Yes they do - been using them in NGs for years to delete spam and other
annoying posts.  I use the Filter Log to watch and see if I Filter out
something I actually want to see by mistake, and clear the log after
I've made an adjustment.

I also use them to get rid of yEnc and multi-part posts, seeing as I
don't have a way to stitch those together on a Mac.

What do you set the filter to filter on, because the sender and the
subject are constantly changing?


Yes, that's true, as a rule they are constantly changing, but for quite
some time now there have been ongoing postings in upper case Italian or
Spanish with the word "PEDOFILO" as part of the subject, or part of
"from", or both. This has been going on for over a month. I realize
making suggestions is easy, but it would be nice to get rid of the
obvious crapola before anyone has to put up it. As a user I'll gladly
cede the power of censorship to the moderator, even if on occasion
(once) I have seen my own post removed.'s an odd exercise sitting down and thinking of every dirty
word/phrase you can think of to put into a key word Filter...but that's
about what you have to do to start, and then add ones that get through
as they do so.

And this is where the Filter Log is useful - sometimes the Filter gets
one or more by mistake and you have to go back and re-think.  It's work,
but it works.

Thank you I just created a filter for this newsgroup and you are correct it works great.

Thank you,

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