Trane Francks wrote:
On 8/30/14 10:01 PM, Daniel wrote:
On 30/08/14 07:51, Trane Francks wrote:
On 8/30/14 4:03 AM, A Williams wrote:
Trane Francks wrote:
On 8/29/14 6:15 AM, Rick Merrill wrote:
When does the delete actually happen?  Exit SM or shutdown
computer or
upon delete 1 at a time?

It happens immediately upon deletion (or moving) from the inbox.

Are you sure?
I have web and pop3 access to one of my accounts and occasionally have
call to use both in parallel.
Moving mails from the Inbox to Trash appears to do nothing irrevocable,
nuking them from Trash appears to trigger the update which is then
carried out the next time pop3 checks for new mail.  "Get Msgs" forces
the issue.  Maybe there is some other factor at work but I'm not
seeing it.

Indeed, I stand corrected. It seems that moving mail out of the inbox
does not cause mail to be deleted upon the next check for mail.

But, Trane, wouldn't that mean you might download the same message again
and again and again??

I don't think so. The server knows the message has been downloaded.

I'll agree on that one.
It knows when it has been downloaded, and (relevant in this case) it also knows when it has been deleted.

This is all observation, I have never looked at the code and it would probably take me weeks to get my head around it if I did.
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