wrote, On 14/09/2014 15:34:
Daniel wrote:
When I talk of doing a search in Win7, I mean entering the search string
in the Search file just above the Windows Start button in the bottom
left of the desktop!!

Am I wasting my time??

I'm not certain, but I think that only searches for installed programs under "All Programs" on the Start menu, and for files in your Documents, Pictures, Music, etc. folders. I'm not sure if it includes AppData, or other locations. From a quick try on Windows Vista it appears not.

On Windows Vista, when you start typing in that search box a couple of other options appear above it to "Search Everywhere" or "Search the Internet". Microsoft's definition of "everywhere" doesn't seem to match mine though, as "Search Everywhere" only searches under my Windows profile folder (under C:\Users\Mark\), and doesn't even seem to include everything there! If I click Start, enter "name:mimetypes.rdf" in the search box, and click "Search Everywhere", it searches in C:\Users\Mark\ but doesn't find anything. If I open an Explorer window, navigate to C:\Users\Mark\ and enter "name:mimetypes.rdf" in the search box there, it does find that file (this may be dependent on having hidden files made visible, as Paul mentioned).

(As an aside, prefixing the search term with "name:" restricts the search to files and folders whose name matches the search term, and does not search in the contents of files, so may be faster if you just want to find files with a particular name.)

Lee mentioned a tick box under the advanced search options (from Explorer, click Search Tools > Search Pane, then "Advanced Search" in the new bar which appears) to "Include non-indexed, hidden, and system files". There are also more options under Search Tools > Search Options. So there's a few more somewhat hidden options which may affect what's actually searched! Individual folders can be included or excluded from the search index, which may or may not prevent them from being searched at all depending on those other options.

All in all, personally I don't trust Windows Explorer's file search to look everywhere. Too many options in too many different places, and you can even select folders to include or exclude from the search index. If it doesn't find a file I'm expecting to find, rather than assuming it doesn't exist I tend to fall back to the command prompt as Lee suggested.

All the above is on Windows Vista. There's probably a different set of complications on Windows 7!


In Windows 7 i just press the "Special Windows" key together with the key "E" this action starts the EXPLORER where after selecting the "C:" or better C:\users\<your-windows-login-name>\appdata\roaming\mozilla\seamonkey\profiles you can search by typing mimeTypes.rdf in the little box at upper right side. Notice that this search IS very long and is finished when your mouse cursor when the mouse is over the right pane switches from a sandbox to a normal cursor..
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