Seamonkey 2.29 on Windows XP.
I have a filter set up and enabled for mozilla.general that has:
From contains GerardJan
Set to mark as read, ignore thread, and delete message.
This filter has been in effect for a long time and appears to have been working in the past. Today, I see a message with the From = GerardJan but the message is still there.
If I Run the filter on mozilla.general, it does nothing.
Apply filter is set to run manually and also when getting new mail before junk classification. The other day, I had another message that was not filtered and I could not get it to filter either.
I don't remember when Seamonkey did the update to 2.29.

Has something changed with message filtering with 2.29?

The Frosted Flake
+------------------------ SPAM is for eating ------------------------+
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