Poldek wrote:
Jonathan N. Little wrote:

The problem is *not* with SeaMonkey on Win XP SP3. SeaMonkey works just
fine on Win XP SP3 however using Windows XP on a public network is a
questionable endeavor.

The problem is *not* with administration rights. Just installed SM2.31
on a non-admin VirtualBox XP and downloads just fine.

It is your profile that is buggered.

Yes, and how to repair it?

What you need to determine is the problem confined to your SeaMonkey
profile or is your User Profile infected.

Here is what I would do.

1) Create a new SeaMonkey profile in your Windows user profile, run
seamonkey.exe -ProfileManager

2) In the new profile if you can download and upload then your profile
is buggered and proceed to step 4. If not then you are in more serious
trouble proceed to step 3.

I've created new Seamonkey profile on my normal Windows profile and
download/upload doesn't work either.

Well that suggests a problem with your Windows profile, not SeaMonkey. #3 will apply here. You could create a new user in Windows and then within the Windows Administrator account copy

C:\Documents and Settings\Old_You\Application Data\Mozilla\Seamonkey


C:\Documents and Settings\New_You\Application Data\Mozilla\Seamonkey

3) You are ether infected or something is corrupted in your profile
settings in the registry. You're going to have fun tracking down the
problem yourself because not many shops are going to bother debugging an
XP system but will gladly sell you a new system. STOP HERE

4) SeaMonkey profile is screwed up somehow. Here are your options.

a) Do you have a backup of your profile before it started misbehaving?

I don't have a backup profile but I have another computer with Windows 7
HP 64 bit where I also have my profile and maybe I could clone that
profile to XP SP3?

It looks like your Windows profile, not your SeaMonkey profile is the issue so that would not fix it.

Take care,

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