Alex Beauroy wrote:
Here are my 5cents on the subject
Waiting for Lightning 3.7b1 that doesn't exist
by error I've accepted the update to 2.32 for SeaMonkey and I'm unable
to find the Lightning 3.7b1

Without searching the archives of this group, I don't remember the exact rationale, but I know that Lightning updates follow Thunderbird releases. And even with Thunderbird putting out only ESR releases officially, there are betas that parallel Gecko and Firefox, even if they never get past beta (until then next general ESR release).

Thus, there is a beta of Thunderbird 35, even if the normal release offered on the main Thunderbird download page is 34.0.

I believe that the Seamonkey developers are updating mail client, based on the Thunderbird beta code. As a result, both the Thunderbird beta and Seamonkey require using a corresponding beta of Thunderbird.

I just checked a couple of discussions in the, and I see that you have posted to those discussions.

The key response seems to be:

Lightning is currently a by-product of the Thunderbird build process. It
looks like the Thunderbird team skipped the Thunderbird 35 Beta release
and therefore no Lightning 3.7 Beta build was created.

I have no clue as to why the Lightning builders didn't get a build to go with Thunderbird 35, but with subsidiary projects, it sometimes happens. Remember that a year or so back, the Seamonkey builders were having problems with their build machines, and by the time they got all that fixed, they had missed build deadlines, and there was no release of Seamonkey to correspond with releases of Gecko/Firefox/Thunderbird.

I note that there are offerings for an untested build (both Windows and Linux), but of course, no promises that those will be reliable.

My guess is that there will be no Lightning updates on this release cycle from Mozilla. And for Seamonkey users that use Lightning, the choice is going to be either in running Lightning 3.6b with Seamonkey 2.31, taking a risk and trying the untested 3.7b build with Seamonkey 2.32, or going without Lightning until the next release cycle. With the Mozilla Rapid Release program, that's only 6 weeks away.

Unfortunately, that's the nature of volunteer projects -- sometimes there are things that are beyond people's control. And for both Seamonkey and Lightning (both of which, I believe, have small development groups, relative to Firefox or even Thunderbird), there are going to be times when this kind of thing happens.

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