Ray_Net wrote:
Rufus wrote on 13/01/2015 04:14:
john sumner wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Use "Reply All" instead of "Reply".
but be carful where you cross post otherwise people will get pissed

I generally never cross post unless I am replying to s cross
post...that's when Reply All comes in handy.

A single "reply" contains all crossposted newsgroup. Same as with "reply

But be aware that in both case IF the guy had put a list in a
"reply--to" zone. the sending goes to that list.

Depends on how the post is addressed, I guess. Cross posted ones I generally see have the cross posting addy(s) in the cc line - I see "From" and "cc". In order to Send/Reply to those in one stroke you have to use Reply All, and they go to the originating NG and the ones in the cc line.

     - Rufus
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