In <>,
Daniel <> wrote:

> On 16/01/15 14:15, Chris Ilias wrote:

> > Mailing list subscribers have the option of getting all messages
> > from that day sent in one digest.
> .... but not the messages posted on previous days?? Again, if I had
> not been on line for a week, would I then have to File->Get Next nnn 
> Messages, or something?? Or would I get a weeks worth of these daily 
> update e-mails (Vol 105, Issues 89-95 maybe!!)??

Once subscribed to a list, there are three options:

 - Receive each post via e-mail.

 - Receive one digest e-mail per day;  each digest has all the posts
   since the previous digest.

 - Receive nothing.

If you've selected either of the first two options, you get the e-mails
whenever you pull them from your mail server.
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