Ken Rudolph wrote:
Using the PrefBar "Customize", I get the User Agent Extlist box.  But
I'm not sure how to go from there.  I tried putting in the Firefox user
agent above in the Value box opposite Real UA and applying that.  But it
didn't affect the browser message at  I know I'm doing
something wrong...but I just don't have the competence to know what I'm
doing at that level or precisely what I have to do.  I'm also afraid of
doing something that is irrevocable and would cause other problems.  Oh,

Looks like I missed the beginning of that procedural chain. Lemme try again.

In the PrefBar tool bar, right-click on the toolbar, and select "Customize PrefBar". You can also get to that via Edit -> Preferences -> PrefBar.

From there, instructions as before: make sure you've dragged the User Agent item into the Enabled Items column, and then double-click User Agent to see the specific settings available.

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