I've been reading that W10 will probably be Released To Manufacturing (RTM) in late July. I also read that with Win7, 8, and 8.1, there was a significant time gap between RTM and general availability — time enough for Microsoft to fix the really bad problems after the software "shipped," but before it was widely available.

Finally, I also read that W7 and W8.1 machines will be offered a free upgrade to Win10 during the first year (starting point not defined).

Now my wife and I have received announcements of a free upgrade of our two W7 machines to W10. Apparently we can reserve an upgrade, and at some (undefined) point we will automatically receive a W10 download.

This is all a bit confusing, and makes us uncomfortable (getting a forced download at some vague point).

Thoughts, anyone? A good idea? Is W10 really ready? Impact on drivers, etc? What about Sea Monkey? General reactions, informed or otherwise?

Thank you for all ideas and advice.

Larry S.
support-seamonkey mailing list

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