By Your Leave, Sir, I post this "To:" the list & "Cc:" to you direct!

What am I doing wrong? Because...

I sent a post to the list a short time ago thanking you for the post you made - that I include below - but received no copy of that(& I am receiving other posts from many users); I just receive a form-email confirmation that I made a post - not a copy of it.

I set preferences on the Seamonkey subscription webpage to receive copies of my own posts - like I am just another user, I am sure - with cookies set.

Am I fighting another profiles problem? I created a new one about a week ago.

Or am I confused on something set wrong here?

See below what I received - your post, that I replied to, & so far no copy received of my reply/post to it:

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Postings Lost?
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 05:25:17 -0400
From: Paul B. Gallagher <>
References: <>

MRoss wrote:

I posted to this list twice now over the past 3-4 days, & to no
avail. I do not see any indications the list received the posts. If
this shows up, maybe the matter is solved. Otherwise there is a
problem. I received a confirmed signup notice.

Your post on 6/17 in the thread "Re: Misplaced a folder of important
bookmarks!" arrived, as well as the one to which I'm replying. Nothing
else in the past year.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
The Best To You & Yours,
M.Ross All Rights Reserved

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