Lee wrote:
On 6/28/15, azed13 <unkn...@whooomi.net> wrote:
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
azed13 wrote:
I have noticed over a period of several months that each time I update
Seamonkey (currently 2.33.1) it seems to take longer to open when called
upon. I have timed it and the delay before an operational browser is
available has been up to two minutes. Is this normal?

I do not have extensions or add ons except for User Agent switcher
and Last Pass Security. I have two PC's and a laptop, the second PC has
only User Agent Switcher and all three experience this delay. Is there a
setting I am missing or could this be an ISP problem. I have Cox Cable
which is the so called "fastest" in this area.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Switch your home page to blank or a local HTML page and test to take Cox
out of the equation.

I set the home page to "Blank", no change to delay. I then disabled the
Host file which is quite large and thought it might be a cause. However,
after closing the browser and shutting down the system a cold boot and
restart of Seamonkey the delay is still apparent.

If I close Seamonkey and restart it, the delay is minimal. It appears
that upon the initial start of Seamonkey after boot up something is
interfering with or configuring the program before it opens and is then
erased when the system shuts down. Does this make any kind of sense?

Yes.  Sounds like an anti-virus program set to check programs before
loading & remember the results so it doesn't have to scan on
subsequent program loads.

So... do you ahve an a/v program?   set to check programs when they
load?  and set to scan only on the first load?


First, my thanks to all of you responders for the great suggestions. Second, mea culpa because the responses made me use my ancient brain to dig through my machine looking for other possible causes. And, I found it.

Back in mid 2014 I thought my boot time seemed to be a little too long. when we get old we sometimes get impatient. I found a small program that was designed to delay applications from preloading in the background during boot. So, the net effect is some programs took a minimal amount of extra time to load when called upon. I was not aware that Seamonkey would be in that category. As Seamonkey went through the various updates it appears that little program had more effect then on other applications.

I disabled it and the problem vanished. So, my apologies to all for bugging you with something that really turned out to be way off topic.
Conversely, my thanks for nudging me in the right direction to solve it.

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