Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
EE wrote:
Richard Owlett wrote:
My proposed recovery scheme is: 1. local backups of profiles on
both desktop and laptop 2. on desktop create sub-folder of
Folders" titled "Recent Mail" 3. search top level account (and
sub-folders) based on age 4. copy found emails to Local Folders
-> Recent Mail 5. Exit SM 6. copy ../Recent Mail to USB stick 7.
copy above file to laptop profile 8. Start SM on laptop 9. mark
all mails now in Local Folders -> Recent Mail as not read 10.
copy (NOT move) all mail from Local Folders -> Recent Mail to
appropriate top level folder 11. use existing filters to move
this "new" mail to appropriate sub folder

Have I covered all bases? Any comments? TIA

Empty trash if any, and be sure to compact the folders.

OK, I can see how that would speed up things. My intention was
to ask
if my proposed procedure was logically correct/consistent/???.

Your answer is valuable in proving that I had not thought of
everything. Thank you.

There's a simpler way to go, provided the following assumptions

• Both systems use the same OS;
• Both systems have the same versions of SM and the same add-ons
& extensions installed.

Since you have v. 2.5 on the source system, I can't promise it
will work, but I can recommend that you upgrade to something more
recent. Version 2.5 was released November 22, 2011, so it's
nearly four years old, a lifetime in the software business.

[CHUCKLE!] That shows how long it has been since the desktop was my primary machine. I'm in process of moving from Windows to Linux, don't plan to update SM until after switch.

At any rate, if the assumptions hold, the process is simple:

1) On the target system, navigate to the \Mozilla folder (the one
that contains your profiles) and rename it \Old_Mozilla.

2) Locate the \Mozilla folder on the source system and copy it to
the same folder on the target system as the one containing

You're up and running. I've done this over a hundred times since
v. 1.7 and it's always worked like a charm.

I've done it many times also without problem UNTIL when I went from laptop (SM 2.26.1) to desktop (SM 2.5) when the laptop was going into shop for repair. Something did get corrupted, therefore I'm explicitly transferring "new" emails to the repaired laptop.

There's one other possible way things could go wrong -- if the
source system specifies a helper application such as Acrobat
Reader that is not installed on the target system, you'll get an
error message when trying to open that file type from within SM.
But that's easily fixed -- either install the missing app or tell
SM to use one that is present.

In the unlikely event that this fails, you can revert to the
status quo ante by shutting down SeaMonkey, deleting the new
\Mozilla folder, and unrenaming \Old_Mozilla back to \Mozilla.

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