Richard Owlett wrote:
My primary machine is a laptop using SM 2.26.1 on WinXP Pro SP3.
My secondary machine is a desktop using SM 2.5 on WinXP Pro SP3.

My laptop had to go into shop to replace intermittent fan. When I bought
laptop I had simply copied the profiles from the desktop to the laptop. The
laptop's SM had been updated a couple of times ending as 2.26.1 . I copied
the profiles from the SM 2.26.1 machine to the SM 2.5 machine > likely
not the
best idea ;< Some where in the copy sequence some data was corrupted
  - observable symptoms were one mail sub-folder's name was corrupted
and at
least on email was threaded wrong. The laptop repair took longer than
  - now have >1000 emails to xfr to laptop.

Newer versions of SeaMonkey sometimes change the format used for some files in the profile. When that happens, the new version usually converts files from existing profiles when it's first used. Afterwards, the profile won't necessarily work correctly on an older version, and in attempting to do so the old version might clear or corrupt data it doesn't recognise from the newer version.

My proposed recovery scheme is:
1.  local backups of profiles on both desktop and laptop
2.  on desktop create sub-folder of "Local Folders" titled "Recent Mail"
3.  search top level account (and sub-folders) based on age
4.  copy found emails to Local Folders -> Recent Mail
5.  Exit SM
6.  copy ../Recent Mail to USB stick
7.  copy above file to laptop profile
8.  Start SM on laptop
9.  mark all mails now in Local Folders -> Recent Mail as not read
10. copy (NOT move) all mail from Local Folders -> Recent Mail to
     top level folder
11. use existing filters to move this "new" mail to appropriate sub folder

Do you still have an uncorrupted copy of the SeaMonkey 2.26.1 profile from the laptop? If so, rather than trying to fix the broken profile I'd suggest:
1. Delete or rename the corrupted profile on the desktop
2. Upgrade the desktop to SeaMonkey 2.26.1
3. Copy the uncorrupted 2.26.1 profile to the desktop
4. Hopefully SeaMonkey will now work correctly on the desktop, with the profile from the laptop, while you're waiting for the laptop to be repaired

When you get the laptop back, ensure you back up all profiles on both machines just in case anything goes wrong. You should be able to just copy the SeaMonkey 2.26.1 profile from the desktop back to the laptop.


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