On 07/07/2015 14:43, Ed Mullen wrote:
> I've seen several sort of oblique mentions here of the lack of 
> development of SM.  Also, haven't seen an update in a while.  So, I'm 
> beginning to feel that I'm nearing the point where I cannot any longer 
> stick with SM.
> Kind of sad since I've been with it since Netscape back in, about, 1995. 
>   I don't have any aversion to "an end of an era" but it would be nice 
> to get some definitive info on what the few remaining SM devs are doing 
> or have in mind.
> Thoughts?

Bug 1177041 - (SM2.35-Uplift) Bugs / Patches to be uplifted to
comm-release for SeaMonkey 2.35



Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
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oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
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