On 7/30/2015 11:04 PM, Edmund Wong wrote:

I regret to be the bearer of bad news; but as it stands,
the worst case scenario (and likely the actual case) is that 2.35 is
not going to be released in July.

The new goal is to release it in early August.

The past month has been mired in fire-fighting bustages,
getting repacks and builds working (as of this writing,
trunk is busted) as well as the need to get the backend
buildbot code updated to reflect that we no longer depend
on CVS.

I apologize for the delay and thank everyone for your

Thank you for the updates, Edmund. These things happen. I'd rather see this take the needed time than being rushed to be buggy. I'm still OK with my old v2.33.1 installations. At least, I know SeaMonkey is not dead. It will be done eventually (just don't end up like 3D Realms' Duke Nukem Forever! :P)! :)
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