Desiree wrote on 10/17/2015 7:50 AM:
On 10/12/2015 4:35 AM, WaltS48 wrote:
On 10/12/2015 10:22 AM, Desiree wrote:
So, SeaMonkey still cannot do full screen without a plugin.

An extension is not a plugin. They are two categories of Add-ons.

Since Mozilla is dropping support for NPAPI plugins (except for Flash)
at the end of 2016, it might be a good idea to get the terminology
straight to avoid confusion.

I know the difference.  Flash is a plugin and Mozilla is not getting rid
of it.  Why would anyone use HTML5 at youtube? It is horrible on IE 10,
Sea Monkey, Fx 41 and Pale Moon 25.7.  I force Flash for youtube videos.

HTML5 videos on Youtube render just fine for me using SM, Firefox, IE etc.

Ed Mullen
A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn.
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