DoctorBill wrote:
> Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>> DoctorBill wrote:
>>> DoctorBill wrote:
>>>> Every once in a while I get stuck in a
>>>> "Warning....registry virus error..."
>>>> It stops everything on SM.
>>>> SM does not respond.   Can't get out.
>>>> Says I have to call some 800 number to get my
>>>> computer back - big long worded thing that repeats
>>>> itself.
>>>> I have been able to get out only by repeated
>>>> ALT-F4 and restarting Windows (XP) and then after
>>>> a while of that, by clicking on the icon below and
>>>> clicking "Close".  I can't remember exactly what I
>>>> do, but eventually it goes away.
>>>> Is this the "Extortion Virus" thing out of Russia
>>>> I have heard about ?
>>>> What is the best way to get out of it ?
>>>> BTW - I can't find any FREE virus checkers that
>>>> work in XP.  My computer is too old to run the new
>>>> Windows.
>>>> DoctorBill
>>> As a reply to EVERYONE who has "suggested" solutions comprised of BUYING a 
>>> new
>>> computer and employing Windows 10 - Most of you seem to think that money 
>>> just
>>> grows in my garden like weeds.
>>> An older retired person on a fixed income cannot just go out and buy a 
>>> compuker
>>> that has Windows 10 on it !
>>> Life is not always so simple....I figured this thing out myself, as per 
>>> usual,
>>> and just press Alt-F4 rapidly and often and THAT works to bug out of 
>>> whatever
>>> this problem is.
>>> One of you gave me a link to a MalewareBytes that DOES work in Windows XP.
>>> Thanks to that individual.  It IS working now.
>>> I have inquired about BUYING Windows 10 for my system which has a Celeron D 
>>> 3.33
>>> GHz CPU with 2 GB of Memory and 2 TB of HD.  I am told - DON'T DO IT !  May 
>>> run
>>> but would have problems with 'Drivers'.
>>> I don't know enough to spend $$ to try it and don't trust Salespeople to not
>>> screw me into the ground.
>>> Thanks to those who actually helped me.
>> I'm with you. Twenty years into fixed income retirement and well into 9th
>> decade. I have one XP SP3 and one Win 7 going strong. I note that you said 
>> you
>> were on XP SP2. Is there any reason you can apply the free upgrade to XP SP3?
> I don't know where to get and/or apply SP3.
> If I get it from Microsoft, won't they zap my XP so I can't use it ?  I trust
> Microsoft about as far as I could throw Bill Gates.
> Then - even if I could get SP3 - would it make my XP unstable.
> Consider that I have a stable system now and if it goes TU, then I am 
> screwed. 
> I have the system disks and would have to wipe my Hard Drive and start
> Long story short - Is it safe to apply SP3 ?
> From where ?

I don't see any problem with applying SP3 but you need to do a system backup
first in case of a screwup.

Backup and Restore Video here:

Install XP SP3 Video here:

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