On 11/22/2015 06:55 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

> 1) Has the webmaster miscoded his cookie-setting/reading routine,
> causing it to fail? This doesn't happen with Internet Exploiter 11.
> 2) Could the webmaster be using a bad sniffer that rejects SM out of hand?
> 3) Is there an issue with SeaMonkey's processing of cookies, such that
> it doesn't handle some cookies even though it says it will?
> Thanks.
I'm using: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38.

Cookie Acceptance Policy:   Allow cookies for the originating website
only (no third-party cookies)

Cookie Retention Policy:  Accept for the current session only

I have two cookies for: www.dot3.state.pa.us
and two cookies for: www.dmv.pa.gov

The site is also happy with me entering from Los Angeles.  Obviously, I
haven't put is a title # or plate # etc.

Anthing else I can try for you?

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