On 20/01/2016 1:24 AM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
Daniel wrote:
On 19/01/2016 2:16 AM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:

Start Firefox/Thunderbird/Seamonkey (which ever app profile you are
transferring) and EVERYTHING is transferred. Works just fine when moving
from Windows to Linux too.

Jonathan, what do you mean "Works just fine when moving from Windows to
Linux too."?? Do you have one computer that runs Windows and another
computer that runs Linux??

I have one computer that runs Windows and many computers that run Linux.
But what I meant was moving a profile from Windows to Linux. Converted a
number of ex-XP users to Linux.

This Laptop (and my old Desktop) dual boot Windows and Linux and I have
the one set of Profile files on my Windows7 which both versions of
SeaMonkey use!

I am assuming that you mean using the same profile on a dual boot
machine and not from two different computers.

Yeap, each of my computers is set up Dual Boot.

Windows can only
natively recognize "Windows" filesystems, sure you can mount the Windows
partition in Linux and adjust the profile.ini in
~/.mozilla/seamonkey to absolute path for profile and point to the
Windows partition, e.g.,


Yeap, when I installed Netscape (or was it Mozilla) Suite on Linux, whilst setting the SM up, I just pointed to the Windows SM profile and that info was stored in the Linux profile.ini.

The only thing I could say could be an issue is the recorded paths for
downloads and such the "\" vs "/" thing. Personally I would just copy
the profile to the other OS and use IMAP for mail.

> Now sharing between two different systems "can" be done but is very
> problematic.

SM saves where you last downloaded something to. If I'm using Linux and save a download to somewhere on a Windows partition, the next time I want to download something whilst using Linux, SM offers the Windows location again.

Of course, in Windows, SM will offer the (Windows) location that I last saved stuff to.

> Back in the days before IMAP was popular I think it was
Communicator or Mozilla browser and tried it for some clients then need
to share mailboxes. Bad idea. Very brittle, sharing issues, easily
corrupts, etc...

Never tried IMAP.


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