Larry S. wrote:
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
David H. Durgee wrote:
Larry S. wrote:


Yes, that's the way it reads in the ini file. Still brings up the old
(now deleted) profile.

Here's the error message: "The file

cannot be found. Please check the location and try again." Maybe the
HTML file is the problem, but it should be out of the picture now that
that profile has been deleted.

About ready to give up.

Larry S.

Err... That's not a profile, that is a home page!  You can change the
settings for that in preferences.

Good pickup David. That is *exactly* what is wrong Larry. You could have
confirmed it with my long laborious steps ;-)

Larry, you have the preference setting "When Mail launches, show the
Start Page in message area" pointing to a file that *no longer* exists!
You can confirm this since you are using Windows with:

WinKey + R and enter


and look and there will be no "bookmarks.html" in that folder.

Your options to fix this are:

1) Create a blank text file "bookmarks.html" in the folder.

2) Find from backup the "bookmarks.html" and restore it to that folder

3) "Edit > Preferences Mail & Newsgroups > Mail Start Page" clear the
checkbox (What my setup is, you will just get a page in the area. BTW
same result as #1)

4) "Edit > Preferences Mail & Newsgroups > Mail Start Page" keep it
checked and click the "Restore Default" button and get the standard
builtin start page.

O.K., maybe we're on to something. However, there are a couple of problems:
     -- the profile rtfmbobp, default no longer exists, as it was
deleted from profile manager.
     -- we can't even get to preference settings, in that SM never opens
to that point. The error message comes first.

Okay, stop! Just do this, step by step.

0) Close will want to print this out or paste into a temporary notepad window for reference

1) In Windows explorer go to

2) What is the *actual* profile folder name there if it is not "rtfmbopb.default"? In fact whatever it just is make a copy of that folder within "C:\Users\Linda\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\". Then rename the copy to "linda.fixed". So now the profile you want total path is:


3) In that profile folder find and open in notepad "prefs.js"

4) Search for "mailnews.start_page.enabled" and edit the line to match below:

user_pref("mailnews.start_page.enabled", false);

5) Save "prefs.js"

6) Go to "C:\Users\Linda\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\" in Explorer

7) Rename "profiles.ini" to "profiles.ini.disabled"

8) Create a new "profiles.ini" and paste exactly below:



9) Save the file as "profiles.ini", in Windows you may have to have the option to DISABLE "Hide extensions of known file type" to prevent ".txt" from being added.

10) Drag an temporary shortcut to Seamonkey to your desktop

11) Right-click on shortcut and select properties and edit Target to add " -P default" so it should be:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" -P default

12) Launch SeaMonkey from that shortcut to test.

If all goes well and it should, you can remove all profile folders EXCEPT:


Take care,

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