Jonathan N. Little wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
Larry S. wrote on 2/1/2016 10:25 AM:
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
Larry S. wrote:
Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
There is a profiles.ini in %appdata%\mozilla\Seamonkey. If you delete
the ini
Seamonkey should start and create a new default profile. You can also
edit it and
see if the wrong profile is in it.

On Sun, 31 Jan 2016 12:33:30 -0500, Larry S. wrote:

When my wife set up SM in her new W10 computer, there was a bit of
confusion about profiles. Eventually she got the one she wanted,
deleted the others (in Profile Manager). Now when she clicks on
the SM
logo it wants to open one of the profiles she deleted, resulting in
Not Found because that profile no longer exists.

However, in Profile Manger she has indicated the correct one and
Use Profile. SM refuses to use this (correct) one and keeps opening
File Not Found.

How do we fix this? All help gratefully appreciated!

When you could not find the INI file it was you had Windows default of
*hiding* known file type. Never understood why they do that when file
extensions are so important in Windows.

Here's what the ini file says (comments in earlier message). (Can we
edit this? It's in Note Pad.):

Yes but you have to do it with SeaMonkey closed. If Profile0 is the one
you want then just comment-out the other profile with preceding ";"

Start with last profile=1


Name=Default User
Path=Profiles/different random#.Default User

;Name=Default User
;Path=Profiles/different random#.Default User

save and start SeaMonkey

Took your advice with the asterisks, saved the file, then opened it
again. Result: the "wrong" profile information was gone (!), but SM
still opens with File Not Found referring to the wrong profile.

Question:(displaying our ignorance) should we have also edited the ini
file so the first line "Start with last profile=1" be changed to point
to profile 0 instead?

Larry S.


I think that is a Boolean 1|0 not a pointer to which profile. Changing
to 1 to 0 just means don't autostart with the last profile you used
without prompting. Wouldn't hurt.

But what I would do is *validate* the name of the actually profile DIR
name is the one you want. E.g. if the actual folder for Linda is
"12345678.Linda2" that the entry in the profile.ini is "12345678.Linda2".

Yes, that's the way it reads in the ini file. Still brings up the old (now deleted) profile.

Here's the error message: "The file /C:/Users/Linda/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/SeaMonkey/Profiles/rtfmbopb.default/bookmarks.html cannot be found. Please check the location and try again." Maybe the HTML file is the problem, but it should be out of the picture now that that profile has been deleted.

About ready to give up.

Larry S.
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