Thee Chicago Wolf (MVP) wrote:
On Wed, 10 Feb 2016 12:36:38 -0500, "G. Ross" <>

I have used seamonkey since it was mozilla.  It seems to be getting
slower (browser). takes forever to load all it's little
programs and sometimes hangs, for the past month.  Mail and newsgroups
do fine.  I updated to the latest version of Seamonkey with no
appreciable speed-up.  I have Java, NoScript enabled. Flash set to
always ask.

In desperation I tried Internet Exploder for the and it
pops up almost instantaneously.

Any advice appreciated.

Which version of SM? 32 or 64 bit? I am not finding it being slower
with newer versions. Quite the contrary.

Give this candidate build a whirl and see if it improves your

How do you tell if 32 or 64 bit? My computer is 64 but only saw one version of 2.39 and installed it. Note: I am 75 and my brain is 2 bit.

GW Ross

Artificial Intelligence? I'll be
impressed when they invent artificial

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