On 2/15/2016 5:10 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
> <http://www.usatoday.com/media/latest/videos/opinion/>
> Pick a vid, any vid, and try to play it.
> On my machine, the links work but the videos don't.
> CTRL-I, "Media" tab, lists no videos, only PNG images -- presumably 
> because the "Play" button isn't actually a "Play" button, it's a link to 
> a script that doesn't work.
> Works fine on Internet Exploiter.
> Any ideas? Bad code or my settings?

It is indeed likely your settings.  Here is my somewhat restricted

Windows 7 Ultimate SP 1 (x64)
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101
"Advertise Firefox compatibility" disabled
Popups blocked
AdBlock Plus and Secret Agent extensions both enabled
Images from all domains enabled
Cookies allowed only from the requested domain

I am able to play the various videos with either Flash enabled or HTML5
Media enabled.

David E. Ross

The Crimea is Putin's Sudetenland.
The Ukraine will be Putin's Czechoslovakia.
See <http://www.rossde.com/editorials/edtl_PutinUkraine.html>.
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