Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:

On Mon, 15 Feb 2016 17:47:04 -0500, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

If only the devs would finally fix the Cookie Manager, which has been
broken for a year or more. It's really frustrating to try to change the
pref for a domain on the fly (Tools | Cookie Manager | <desired value>)
and have nothing happen. Where do I go to upvote that bug?

It's [been] fixed already for some time. Check Bug 1188348:
<>. All which is
needs is a (hopefully) final review and checkin of the source code.
This patch needed string changes so it is unlikely that it will
appear before Seamonkey 2.44. There is a how to in it so you can
change your omni.ja und put the fixes in yourself. It's compatible
with Seamonkey 2.39+

I was unable to test idn domains and some weird permissions might not
work. If you patch it and find something let me know and I will fix
it if I can.


Does the fix also include the UI under Tools | Cookie Manager, where the user used to be able to change the policy for the current domain on the fly? At present, selecting anything except "Manage Stored Cookies" has no effect.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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