
I'm running SM 2.33.1 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and trying to upgrade to SM 2.40

When I reach Step 5 in http://www.seamonkey-project.org/doc/install-and-uninstall and try the command ./seamonkey I get:

XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /home/sleepy/seamonkey2/seamonkey/libxul.so:
libXcomposite.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Couldn't load XPCOM.

I have to confess that (silly me) I originally installed my SM 2.33.1 from a non-standard source so this may be part of the problem.

I've tried Googling "XPCOMGlueLoad error" and seen plenty of suggestions relating to Firefox and to other operating systems but am having difficulty converting these into my own Ubuntu 14.04 and SM 2.40 situation.

Grateful any step-by-step suggestions to help me to upgrade and get myself back on a straight and narrow track again.

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