Cecil Bankston wrote:

> Thanks for all the good advice.  In this case there was no problem
> recognizing the messages as spam, with subject of "Re:" and only a
> shortened link in the body.  My main concern was determining whether the
> friend's computer had malware vs. the from address being spoofed.  The
> friend is in TN, and Comcast is the provider.  The
> whatismyemailaddress.com/trace-email analysis shows this:
> Source:
> The source host name is "resmail-po-385v.sys.comcast.net" and the source
> IP address is
> Geo-Location Information Country      United States State/Region      TX

I just did the lookup on that IP address and it says it is Connecticut.

> Should the different state source location indicate that the source is
> not my friend's computer?

No. It's the mail server he is using.

> Should the friend contact Comcast support about this?

Not yet.

> I already recommended that the friend do malware scans of the computer,
> using multiple applications.

This is the prime and first thing the friend needs to do. Wait for the 
result he tells you, then let us know.
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