Zeb Carter wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Zeb Carter wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Zeb Carter wrote:

I provide support for an older couple. Several years ago, I had them
start using Seamonkey.

Recently, they have not been able to use the search bar on the XFINITY
home page. The only thing that works when searching is images. Using
Chrome & Edge, the search function works as designed. Sam has no
addons of any type that would keep it from working. He's not too bad
using a computer but putting addons of any type is over his head.

Hard to see what the problem is here. I tried a basic search and got
this: <http://www.xfinity.com/search#q=sports>
which is a list of xfinity pages containing the search term "sports."

Is that not what happens on your friend's machine? If not, exactly
what does happen?

From this page: http://www.xfinity.com, the search bar in the middle of
the page - I can duplicate it here on my own system, same as my friend's
machine. Only image searches show results. No web, no TV & movies, no
support, just images works.

Sorry, I see no search bar "in the middle of the page." The only one I
see is at the top right, under "TV, Email, Sign in," between the
shopping cart and "En Español." That's the one I used for my test. I
see no options for searching "web," "TV & movies," or "support,"
though there is a "Support" category at top center. Do I have to login

Using the URL supplied, to the left is the XFINITY label, then a search
box with "search the web" in the box, and on the right hand side of the
box is a read box attached to the search box labeled "search".

A login in not required.

Type your keyword(s) in the box and then you will see web, TV & movies,
support, images after you hit <enter>. I can't be any clearer than that.

Your description is clear, but doesn't match what I see:

Xfinity | Shop | My Account | Support | My XFINITY ... TV | Email | Sign In | Comcast Business

I've used "..." to indicate a large space. The next row under that:

Products | Bundles & Deals | Programming | Customers ... [cart] | [blank search window] | En Español

None of this contains the word "search," though the search window does have a magnifying glass icon, commonly used to mark search windows.

I tried disabling AdBlock Plus and reloading, no change.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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