On 04/10/2016 17:29, NFN Smith wrote:
Alex Beauroy wrote:
Hi everybody!!!
Is there someone here using both Microsoft Outlook and SeaMonkey Mail &
Newsreader simultaneously?????
If yes, what should be your recommendations to get everything running
Thanks in advance for your assistance!!

Why do you want to run both simultaneously?

I happen to use Outlook for non-email stuff, primarily because it
integrates with my Android phone better than Thunderbird does, and I
don't have any strong felt need for integration between my calendar and
my email.

If you're trying to do both for email, then I will suggest that you want
to do use IMAP for both.

However, be aware that Seamonkey (and Thunderbird) and Firefox have very
different design philosophies. The Mozilla design is that the email
client is intended to support email, and built around adherence to
adherence to Internet standards.

Outlook has an entirely different approach, where the fundamental design
is intended to be a client that interacts with a Microsoft Exchange
server (and other Microsoft servers), and also acts as a go-between to
transport data between users of various components of Microsoft Office.
To that end, Microsoft's embrace of standards is traditionally tenuous,
where they adopt the things that fit what they want to do, and may do
their own variants, if the standards don't do things the way that they
want.  And there's a lot of stuff in Outlook that isn't usable unless
you're interacting with Exchange. In the same way, there's a lot of
Exchange features you won't be able to use with a Mozilla client -- the
only way you'll be able to do that is with Outlook.

I've heard it said that Outlook is a great Exchange client, an adequate
IMAP client, and a mediocre POP client, and from my own experiences,
I've found that to be the case.

Thanks a lot for your quick assistance on the matter. My wife wanted to try Microsoft office for a month; although I recommended Open Office. She said that she wanted to synchronize her Windows Phone calendar with the Desktop. So I thought I should keep on using SeaMonkey as I've been doing since Netscape Communicator!!
What do you think???
Best Regards
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