On 05/10/2016 00:13, Keith N. McKenna wrote:
NFN Smith wrote:
Alex Beauroy wrote:
Thanks a lot for your quick assistance on the matter. My wife wanted to
try Microsoft office for a month; although I recommended Open Office.
She said that she wanted to synchronize her Windows Phone calendar with
the Desktop.
So I thought I should keep on using SeaMonkey as I've been doing since
Netscape Communicator!!
What do you think???

Sounds like you're trying to do more or less what I'm doing.

The problem with OpenOffice and LibreOffice is that neither includes a
mail client. (And I believe that OpenOffice is more or less abandoned).

The fact that they do not include an e-mail client is by design as there
are numerous good ones out there. As far as Apache OpenOffice being
abandoned as Mark Twain once replied; "The report of my death was an
exaggeration.” For more information see

If you're experimenting with calendar, then I think that it's generally
easier to synchronize a mobile device with Outlook, than it is with
Lightning -- at least that's been my experience with both Android, and
years ago, when I used Windows Mobile. Some may depend on what client
you're using for your synchronization. For Windows Phone, you should
have a reasonably good synchronization tool from Microsoft, but it's
likely to be very strong in presuming that you want to sync a calendar
with Outlook.

The easiest way I found to sync SeaMonkey with an Android phone is to
use google calendar and the provide for google calendar extension in

In that situation, especially testing, I would not bother to try to
integrate email.  Stick to the non-email things in Outlook.



Thanks Keith, Smith & Ray,
You have made me think a lot.
I'll go back to you with experiments later.
Thanks for your support
Best Regards
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