On 10/28/2016 1:32 AM, Desiree wrote:

I'm getting used to HTML5 videos since I can use SM's about:config's
autoplay off value instead of having to use Flash to activate to show on
my new 64-bit W7 EE SP1 installation. However, I am having problems with
YouTube's HTML5 videos to go fullscreen. YouTube's greyed out fullscreen
icon option's link goes to
https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6276924 ... It says "On
Firefox, try the following steps: In the location bar (where you enter
URLs), type "about:permissions" and hit enter." However, SeaMonkey v2.40
doesn't have it.

How can I get to there with "You'll see a Fullscreen setting. Select
'Always ask' or 'Allow' to allow YouTube to go fullscreen on these
sites." instructions? I tried SM's Data Manager and looking in
youtube.com domain, but did not see any full screen.

Google needs to update their support. Fx dropped about:permissions in Fx
45 (which is one reason Pale Moon (which still has it) is my default
browser).  About:data is the closest thing in SeaMonkey and there is no
setting there for allowing full screen on certain sites.

I'm happy that SeaMonkey finally goes full screen at youtube when using
Flash.  It doesn't with the HTML5 player and I don't think it can be
fixed.  That video in your screenshot plays fine full screen using
Flash.  I didn't turn off Flash to see what would happen if it played in
HTML5 but I know other videos I have tried at youtube will not play full
screen using the HTML5 player on SeaMonkey.  (It doesn't bother me as I
prefer Flash).

I haven't been to youtube recently.  Four ads tried to play and none
could (either the domains are blocked in HostsMan or the Proxomitron ate
them).  I didn't know youtube was forcing a lot of ads now (or trying to
force as I still got the video to play and didn't see a single ad).

Thanks. I told that Google web page no and said "The included Firefox's instructions are incorrect and outdated as of Firefox v45. Please kindly read https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.support.seamonkey/GwFcDirgM_8/B98nLSWvAgAJ for the details. Thank you in advance. :)". Maybe you guys should do the same too?
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