On 12/7/2016 1:29 PM, David E. Ross wrote:

Is there something I need to show these emoticons (not emojis)
correctly in SeaMonkey v2.40's e-mail client?

I have the same problem.
A friend using

X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0

Send me mails where he insert a smiling face ... But SM see only in the mail the letter 

It is possible that the sender selected an emoticon character from a
font containing graphics instead of keying colon-rightparenthesis.  That
character in other fonts might indeed be the letter J.  This is an
ongoing problem caused by Microsoft devotees who fail to understand that
not everyone uses Microsoft E-mail applications.

Ah. Yeah. Sad face turns into L. :(
"If someone makes you angry, I think the thing to do is tie them down to the ground, cover them in honey, and then release a swarm of killer ants on them. That way, you can hit them over and over again and say, 'Hey! I'm just trying to help!' and they can't really get mad at you." --R.M. Weiner Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see this signature correctly.
   /\___/\         Ant(Dude) @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
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