Mason83 wrote:
On 07/12/2016 23:12, David H. Durgee wrote:
Mason83 wrote:
On 06/12/2016 15:01, David H. Durgee wrote:

I am currently running 2.40 x64 on linux mint x64 installed from the
ubuntuzilla repository.  I have a local repository set up on my system
and could install your unofficial build from a .deb by adding it there
and using the update tools.  Looking at your directory noted above I see
no .deb available.

I am not sufficiently versed in this area to work with your build as it
stands in this directory.  Can you prepare a .deb as well to stand in
for that which will be available via ubuntuzilla once an official build
is available?  If not, is there someone else who can do so?  I am sure I
am not the only one who would welcome a version that could be installed
in this manner.

A compressed archive (tgz) is more general than a deb package.
Just uncompress the archive to e.g. /opt and run from there.
(uncompress as root, but run as you)

I don't see a .tgz file in Adrian's server, but I do see a .tar.bz2 file
which I downloaded to inspect from the *release-linux64 directory.

Looking at the contents of the .tar.bz2 and comparing it with
/opt/seamonkey does show a good correspondence of files with a few
missing or added files.  Checking the Synaptic package manager shows
that in addition to the /opt/seamonkey directory there are a few other


The first of these is a link to the executable, so I assume I would
likely need to recreate this if I were to install the unofficial version
over 2.40 here.  The other two files define the desktop interface and I
would expect them to continue without problems.

Thank you for your suggestion.  I am going to consider this option.

What I did was
1) rename /opt/seamonkey to /opt/seamonkey-2.40
(to keep a backup in case of trouble)
2) uncompress Adrian's tarball to /opt => creates /opt/seamonkey

That way, all the desktop gizmos you mention point
to the new version, and still work.

I followed your example and am now running 2.47 here. This appears to be working properly, but I have only been using it for a few hours at this point. Thank you for your guidance in this area.


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