On 09/12/2016 15:31, David H. Durgee wrote:
> Mason83 wrote:
>> One thing to watch out for is when Ubuntuzilla eventually
>> puts out a new release. This is likely to overwrite your
>> "custom" SM package. I don't have a good solution for that.
> Interesting you should mention that.  When I switched focus to SeaMonkey 
> this morning I got a notice to the effect that there was an update 
> available but I could not apply it.  Checking at Adrian's site I see a 
> new build available.  Guess I need to do the whole thing again to update.

I think Adrian rebuilds every week or two. It's not necessarily
urgent to upgrade immediately. (The warning was written with an
official release channel in mind.)

I'm not surprised you can't upgrade within SM, because you untarred
as root, but run as regular user. So SM doesn't have permission to
trash its installation folder.


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