On 12/26/2016 10:17 AM, EE wrote:
> Richmond wrote:
>> I had an idea for a useful addition to seamonkey. An option to create a
>> new javascript free tab. This would mean the javascript on/off flag
>> would need to be per tab.
>> I am aware of noscript, but it doesn't work the same way. Some tasks,
>> like reading the news, don't need javascript and are better without it,
>> whereas others, like internet shopping, will fail without it. So
>> javascript should be organised by task, not by site, as google-whatsit
>> is pervasive on all sites for any task.
>> This would make seamonkey better than all the other browsers, and set
>> for world dominatin. ;)
> Then you would have an extra step to perform with every new tab opened. 
> You would have to designate it as javascript-using or non-javascript-using.
> I use YesScript to control which sites use javascript, and it works well 
> for me.

PrefBar has two JavaScript checkboxes.  A checkmark enables JavaScript;
clearing a checkmark disables JavaScript.  One checkbox is simply named
"JavaScript", which controls total enabling and disabling JavaScript
throughout the entire SeaMonkey process, both windows and tabs.  The
other is named "JavaScript (Tab)", which controls enabling and disabling
JavaScript only for the tab currently having focus.

I enabled both, renaming the JavaScript checkbox as Global JavaScript
and renaming JavaScript (Tab) as Local JavaScript.  I then created a
PrefBar folder named JavaScript and placed both checkboxes in that folder.

I also entered the following into the user.js file in all of my profiles:
        user_pref("javascript.enabled", true);
        // in case I forget that I disabled it in a prior session
Since Local JavaScript uses a script instead of a preference variable,
this is sufficient to enable JavaScript both globally and locally when I
terminate and then re-launch SeaMonkey, which also occurs when I switch

David E. Ross

The Crimea is Putin's Sudetenland.
The Ukraine will be Putin's Czechoslovakia.
See <http://www.rossde.com/editorials/edtl_PutinUkraine.html>.
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