-------- Original Message --------
Le 22 décembre 2016, Roger Fink a écrit :

In case anybody else has saved a copy, the Mostly Crystal theme works
perfectly on this upgrade to 2.46, even after many years of lying dormant.
Nice to hear that.
I even saved her extensive list of user customizations, not that there was much 
that needed customizing. Anyway, userChrome.js has been de-emphasized by 
Mozilla which is understandable (you have to create it yourself now).

I only had to update install.rdf.
I think I set max version once and for good, to 2.99.* or so. :-)
That was a smart move. Now you've got 53 more upgrades plus several hundred 
betas before you have anything to worry about. Why didn't I think of that.
JMO of course, but I've always considered Mostly Crystal to be THE best of
the "traditional GUI" themes for SeaMonkey,
Sorry, I don't do coding.
The woman who created it, whose screen name I've forgotten but who used
to post on this board, got a little frustrated with Mozilla and closed
it down. It would be great if someone devised a way, with her assent, to
keep it current and make it an ongoing offering (or the default theme)
for this browser
"CatThief" according to the addon manager. Alas the site (tom-cat.com) has
been discontinued. The last time I visited it (a few years ago) it said
the theme was *not* publicly licensed. I guess we're not even entitled to
edit install.rdf in theory...

Yes, CatThief. I knew it wasn't CatWoman, she has a different gig.

Also not Cat Mother of Cat Mother and the All-night News Boys, a late sixties NYC phenomenon on WBAI, still hanging on by their claws on YouTube.

Complete themes are hard to come by in SeaMonkey - there is a lot of time-consuming work involved, and in a situation where it's all done by volunteers, robust options for the GUI are always going to be a problem. Having access to work at this level, if indeed that is the case, would be a gift.

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